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Ennis, Montana Hebgen and Madison Dam operations and Madison River discussion

Date: Apr 26, 2023

TYPE: Event

When: Wednesday, April 26
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Where: El Western, 4784 U.S. Highway 287, Ennis, Montana
Details: NorthWestern Energy has set a public meeting to discuss topics related to the Madison River. Topics to be discussed include snowpack and streamflow forecasts for the Madison River, fish populations, the Hebgen Dam gate failure monitoring and mitigation, the projects sponsored by the Madison Fisheries Technical Advisory Committee and recreation projects funded by The Missouri-Madison River Fund.
The public is invited to the meeting. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and visit with NorthWestern employees and the company’s Madison River partners.
NorthWestern owns and operates Hebgen and Madison dams on the Madison River under a license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The operation of the hydroelectric facilities play a significant role in managing streamflow on the Madison River.