Choose the option that works best for you!

We offer several convenient billing and payments options.

Billing & Payment

It's good to have options. Choose the best payment and billing option that works for you.

Sign up for Budget Billing

Budget Billing takes the guess work out of your energy bill. With Budget Billing, you pay the same amount each month. No surprises, just one easy payment amount to plan for.

Payment Options

We offer several convenient ways to pay your bill. Choose the option that is best for you.

Sign up for alerts

We heard you when you asked for better outage and bill communications, and we listened! You now have options for how you want to be notified about outages, bills, payments and more.

Billing Options

Go paperless with E-bill or sign up for budget billing. Find out why both may be great options for you.

Payment Assistance

NorthWestern Energy customers have access to many programs and resources to get help in paying your bill.

Payment Arrangements

We understand circumstances sometimes make it difficult to keep up with your bills. If you're having trouble paying your NorthWestern Energy bill, we may be able to work with you to set up payment arrangements that can help you avoid service disconnection.

Understanding Your Bill

We want to make sure it's easy to understand your bill.

Help Your Neighbor

NorthWestern Energy's Gift of Energy Certificates are a great way to help family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors who may be struggling to pay their energy bill, and are available year round.

Ways to Save

We offer many free and easy ways to help you manage your energy consumption. Start saving and energy today.

Winter Energy Bills

We know many of you are concerned about your energy bills this winter. Several factors can impact your monthly energy bill.

Rates and Tariffs

View the tariffs and rate schedules for your area.

Service & Payment Locations

We have walk-in offices across our service territory. Find the office nearest you.

Join the conversation!

We heard you when you asked for better outage and bill communications, and we listened! You now have options for how you want to be notified about outages, bills, payments and more. Login to My Energy Account and select “Notifications” from the menu. If you aren’t registered for My Energy Account, sign up today! It’s free and easy.

Read our monthly bill insert

Read our monthly Energy Connections newsletter for safety information, updates and recipes.