Our Company
We serve gas and electric to customers in the western two-thirds of Montana and eastern South Dakota. We also have gas service in Nebraska, and serve electricity to Yellowstone National Park.
We own and operate a diverse generation fleet of wind, water, natural gas and coal-fired resources and the high-voltage electric transmission system and distribution system. We also own and operate natural gas production, transmission and distribution systems.
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Enriching lives through a safe sustainable energy future.
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Working together to provide safe, reliable and innovative energy solutions that create value for customers, communities, employees, and investors.
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NorthWestern Energy joins new regional energy resource adequacy program
Date: Dec 19, 2022
TYPE: News
Butte, Mont. – Dec. 19, 2022 – NorthWestern Energy has joined the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP).
This program, managed by the Western Power Pool, allows energy company members to leverage the diversity of weather conditions across the West when planning for resource adequacy and provides expanded access to capacity reserves during times of peak energy demand.
“NorthWestern Energy had an active role in planning for this new program that will help ensure that our Montana customers have reliable service when they need it the most, at reasonable costs,” said NorthWestern Energy CEO Bob Rowe. “The WRAP is designed so that member energy companies in the West can work together to provide reliable energy service for our customers within the unique conditions of this region.”
The region faces an increasing probability of near-term deficits in its energy supply during peak load conditions. The WRAP is a new tool for energy companies to use to maintain reliable service. It is a cooperative approach addressing the changing energy generation resource mix and rapidly expanding energy load growth in the West. While the WRAP is new to the West, regional resource adequacy programs are currently in place in Independent System Operators (ISO) and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO) across the country.
For more than three years the Western Power Pool worked with regulators, participants, and stakeholders to shape the program. The WRAP will be governed by a fully-independent board of directors at the Western Power Pool, a nonprofit organization with more than 40 energy company members serving the West.
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About NorthWestern Energy (Nasdaq: NWE)
NorthWestern Corporation, doing business as NorthWestern Energy, provides essential energy infrastructure and valuable services that enrich lives and empower communities while serving as long-term partners to our customers and communities. We are working to deliver safe, reliable, and innovative energy solutions that create value for customers, communities, employees, and investors. This includes bridging our history as a regulated utility safely providing low-cost and reliable service with our future as a globally-aware company offering a broader array of services performed by highly-adaptable and skilled employees. We provide electricity and / or natural gas to approximately 753,600 customers in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska and Yellowstone National Park. We have provided service in South Dakota and Nebraska since 1923 and in Montana since 2002. More information is available on the company's Web site at www.northwesternenergy.com.
Media Contacts:
Jo Dee Black