Pay Your Bill Your Way

We offer many convenient and secure ways to pay your bill.

Payment Options

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We heard you when you asked for better outage and bill communications, and we listened! You now have options for how you want to be notified about outages, bills, payments and more.

As a NorthWestern Energy customer, you have several payment options. Choose the option that is best for you!


One-Time Payment

Make a one-time payment instantly online for free with your checking or savings account or with a credit or debit card for a $2.75 processing fee. No registration required.

Pay using your financial institution

Bill pay is a convenient service offered by many banks and credit unions. This service allows you to organize all of your one-time and recurring bills in one place and pay them automatically. Contact your local financial institution for more information.

Pay by Phone

Hear your account balance, due date and make a payment anytime by calling 833-970-2262 for English or 833-970-2263 for Spanish.

Auto Pay

Enroll in one of our Auto Pay programs and take advantage of payments debited directly from your checking, savings or credit/debit account.

Pay by Text

Paying your energy bill can be as simple as sending a text when you sign up for our "Pay By Text" option, using your credit or debit card payments ($2.75 processing fee). Enroll in My Energy Account.

Pay by Mail

Mail your check or money order to: NorthWestern Energy 11 E. Park St. Butte, MT 59701-1711

Pay in Person

To pay your bill in person, visit one of our walk-in customer service centers or conveniently pay at any participating Western Union Quick Collect location.

Payment Arrangements

We understand circumstances sometimes make it difficult to keep up with your bills. If you're having difficulty paying your bill, call us or log in to "My Energy Account."

Payment Confirmation

If you have recently made a payment on your account and would like to notify NorthWestern Energy, you can do so via the link below.

Payment Assistance

If you need help paying your utility bill, there is help.

Join the conversation!

We heard you when you asked for better outage and bill communications, and we listened! You now have options for how you want to be notified about outages, bills, payments and more. Login to My Energy Account and select “Notifications” from the menu. If you aren’t registered for My Energy Account, sign up today! It’s free and easy.

Billing Options

We offer billing options that fit your needs, whether you prefer a paperless bill, budget billing or need to set up payment arrangements.

Customer Service

Have questions or need assistance? We're here to help.

Contact Us