E+ Renewable Incentives

Each year a limited amount of Universal System Benefits (USB) funding is available through the E+ Renewable Energy Program for renewable energy installations on non-profit or government/public buildings

Proposals are considered twice a year with the Spring proposals due on May 1 and the Fall proposals due on November 1


The projects receiving E+ Renewable Energy funding must provide: 

  • Civic value
  • Benefit to organizations or communities
  • Education about renewable technologies
  • Representation of renewable energy technologies to a broad audience

Project qualifications and proposal requirements

Solar panels on the roof of the Shane Lalani Center for the Arts in Bozeman.

Project qualifications and proposal requirements

Learn more about NorthWestern Energy E+ Renewable Custom Incentive Proposal Requirements For Non-Profit or Government/Public Buildings.


Projects receiving E+ Renewable Energy funding must be installed by a NorthWestern Energy Qualified Installer.  These installers meet our professional, safety and independent contractor standards for renewable energy installations.