Budget Billing
With Budget Billing, you pay the same amount each month. No surprises, just one easy payment amount to plan for.
Signing up for Budget Billing is Easy
Budget Billing takes the guess work out of your energy bill.
- With Budget Billing, you pay the same amount each month.
- Budget Billing amounts are calculated based upon your past 12 months of usage and the rates currently in effect.
- Your payment amount may increase or decrease based on your usage patterns and/or rates currently in effect.
- We'll review your account quarterly to prevent a large overpayment or underpayment from accumulating.
- Changes may be necessary in your Budget amount due to an increase or decrease in your usage patterns and/or the rates currently in effect.
Understanding Your Bill
Utility bills can be complicated - with all the abbreviations, industry jargon, regulatory requirements and tiny print - it’s no wonder that most customers only look at the amount due each month. But the more you know about your energy use, the better you’ll be able to manage it. Learn more about the separate pieces that make up your bill and information about how we manage costs.
Budget Billing FAQs
Is there a fee for Budget Billing?
No. Budget Billing is a free service.
What if I want to leave Budget Billing?
If you decide to discontinue participation in the program or close your account, your current account balance will be applied to your next billing statement.
How often is my Budget Billing plan reviewed?
Budget Billing plans are reviewed periodically, not more than once per quarter. If we see a large change in usage during a quarterly review, we may update your Budget Billing amount. During the review, we look at your usage patterns and current rates to make sure your Budget Billing amount is in line with your average usage over the last 12 months.
If your Budget Billing amount changes, we will notify you prior to any changes becoming effective.
Is there a settle-up after 12 months?
There is no year-end settle-up with Budget Billing. Any difference in the energy you use versus what you pay is calculated into the next year’s plan. If you pay for more energy than you use, your balance will be divided by 12 and applied equally to your bills over the next year. If you use more energy than you paid for, that amount will be divided by 12 and spread over the next year. Either way, it will be reflected in your new Budget Billing amount.
Will I pay for more energy than I use?
No. Ultimately, you only pay for the energy you use. Your statement will include a Budget Billing information section. This section provides your current account balance – the difference between payments made on your account and actual energy charges.
How is my Budget Billing amount calculated?
To determine your monthly Budget Billing amount, we use the past 12 months of usage history at the current rates. We calculate how much energy you use per year, based on the last 12 months of usage. Using current rates, we determine the total you would pay for 12 months of energy. We then divide that amount by 12, so you pay the same amount each month.
Who is eligible for Budget Billing?
Customers need a $0 account balance to enroll and Budget Billing. Customers with newly constructed home may not be eligible to participate until we have a few months of energy use history for the property.
Why should I enroll in Budget Billing?
Budget Billing takes the guess work out of your energy bill. It levels out the seasonal highs and lows and provides you with a predictable monthly energy bill to make it easier to budget for your energy costs.
Read our monthly bill insert
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