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Company Highlights

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Nearly 60% Carbon-Free Resources

Carbon-Free Resources

US national average is 29% in 2019
US national average is 29% in 2019

2020 Women on Board Distinction

4 of 10 NWE board members are female

Only 20% of utilities have a board with 40% or more femails
Only 20% of utilities have a board with 40% or more femails

27:1 CEO to Average Employee Pay

Our peer group average at 37:1

Electric utilities average at 58:1
Electric utilities average at 58:1

5th Best Rated Utility for Governance

by Moody's Investor Services

Rating of 50 electric North American utilities
Rating of 50 electric North American utilities

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Electric Technical Advisory Committee (ETAC) is established under Montana Code Annotated § 69-3-1208 and the Administrative Rules of Montana 38.5.2023. It serves as an advisory body to NorthWestern Energy, providing input and recommendations on various issues related to our electricity system, particularly in the areas of portfolio planning, resource management and procurement as part of the development of the integrated resource plan (IRP) process.

Learn more about ETAC

Planning construction? A new build or a remodel? Demolition or an addition? We can help you move existing utility lines or install new ones. Visit our Construction Application for your service area and apply online or learn more about our Construction Services

We offer many ways to connect with us:

During a Public Safety Power Shutoff, NorthWestern Energy will shut off power to certain lines in areas where wildfire risk is unacceptably high due to extreme weather conditions. This is done proactively before a wildfire starts burning.

This is different than a rolling blackout, when power is shutoff to stabilize the grid during periods of peak demand.

A Public Safety Power Shutoff is also different from fire-related outages where NorthWestern Energy shuts off certain power lines when a fire is burning toward them. 

  • Make a plan for medical needs such as refrigerated medicine or electrically powered medical equipment. This could mean finding a place you can go during an outage or using a backup generator.
  • For medical emergencies, call 911.

Be sure NorthWestern Energy has your current phone number and email address. Update your contact information by logging in to My Energy Account or by calling us at 888-467-2669.

Make a plan:

  • Prepare for medical needs, such as refrigerated medicine or electrically powered medical equipment.
  • Build a summer outage kit that includes bottled water, non-perishable food, baby food or formula and diapers, pet food, medications and other necessities. Keep a block of ice in the freezer.
  • Plan for a way to feed and water pets or livestock in case well pumps don’t have power.

Stay safe if the power goes out:

  • Turn off all but one light, so you will notice when we have restored your electricity.
  • Unplug computers, chargers, TVs, VCRs and other sensitive appliances to avoid possible damage when electricity is restored.
  • When power resumes, reset clocks and check automatic alarms and timers. Plug in only essential items. Wait 10 minutes before connecting the remainder of your items to let the electrical system stabilize.
  • Do not open freezers or refrigerators more than necessary. A refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened. A full freezer will keep the temperature for approximately 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) if the door remains closed.
  • If you see a downed or damaged power line, keep your distance and call 911 immediately. Assume all power lines are energized. Never touch a power line or any object, including trees, that is in contact with a line.

Learn more about Public Safety Power Shutoffs

If you will be impacted by a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff, NorthWestern Energy will notify you directly multiple times throughout the process. You will receive an automated phone call and email from us before power is turned off and after it is restored.

However, we can only contact you if we have your correct contact information. Update your contact information by logging in to My Energy Account or by calling us at 888-467-2669.

NorthWestern Energy will also post information on our website and social media accounts about Public Safety Power Shutoffs. For the most up-to-date information during an event, visit


Public Safety Power Shutoffs can vary in length. We will not restore power until weather conditions have improved to the point where we can safely operate the electrical grid. After the extreme weather conditions have passed, we will patrol electrical lines to make sure no branches, trees or other items have fallen into the lines. Once any damage has been repaired, NorthWestern Energy will restore power. A Public Safety Power Shutoff, plus the time to patrol and make repairs, could last several hours or even days. If storm damage occurs, restoration could take longer.

Learn more

At least 48 hours before most Public Safety Power Shutoffs, NorthWestern Energy will notify customers who may be impacted. We will continue to update our customers as we monitor the situation and determine whether a power shutoff is necessary. Before power is turned off, all impacted customers will be contacted via phone and email (if we have your email address on file). Power will remain off until weather conditions have improved to the point where we can safely operate the electrical grid.

Customers will also be notified when their power has been restored.

Be sure NorthWestern Energy has your current phone number and email address. Update your contact information by logging in to My Energy Account or by calling us at 888-467-2669.

All customers should be prepared for outages, including Public Safety Power Shutoffs. Public Safety Power Shutoffs are most likely to occur where homes and other structures are built in wildfire-prone areas. This can include forested areas on the outskirts of larger towns or cities, or rural forested areas. However, a Public Safety Power Shutoff could also be needed near prairies, grasslands and farms. The least likely place to have a Public Safety Power Shutoff is in a populated, urban area.

Public Safety Power Shutoffs are used only during extreme weather conditions when there is a high risk of an electrical line igniting a wildfire. The primary factors we look at to determine when a Public Safety Power Shutoff is necessary are high temperatures, low humidity, dry vegetation and high wind.

We may turn off power when extreme weather conditions are expected but before they hit an area.

Public Safety Power Shutoffs are most likely to occur during fire season – the hot dry months in the summertime. However, it is possible to have a Public Safety Power Shutoff anytime of the year when it’s hot, dry and windy.

A public safety power shutoff, or PSPS, is when NorthWestern Energy, or another energy company, proactively turns off power to an area where wildfire risk is unacceptably high due to extreme weather conditions. Public Safety Power Shutoffs help us prevent wildfires and keep our communities safe.
No; unfortunately it doesn’t matter where the owners live/lived, Montana Code Annotated applies, and that is not our state law.  Articles of conveyance must still be recorded.
Unfortunately, no; our staff in the Lands Department aren’t attorneys, and do not practice law.  Within reason, we will assist you in providing what information we readily have on hand that will help you and your lawyer. As an example, we help complete the land description blank on affidavits.
At some point in the land’s history, the mineral rights were separated from the surface, through a sale or some other means. They then were most likely leased, acquired through purchase or inheritance, etc. until they belong to whomever owns them today. You may wish to contact a land service company or possibly a title company if you want to know who owns the mineral rights under your land. The County Clerk and Recorder’s office where the minerals are located may be able to help you as well.
Unfortunately, no; in order to be legal, their property in Montana must be legally conveyed (transfer the title) and recorded at the courthouse in the county where the property is located.  This generally means an ancillary probate must occur.
Revenue payments are suspended when we find out about a change in status, and are held in escrow; eventually, after about five years, they are turned over to the State of Montana through a process called escheatment.  The State will release funds to properly identified owners, if notified.  If not claimed, they become part of the general fund.
Yes.  Some people and entities are willing to buy them.  In certain instances, NorthWestern Energy has been willing to purchase them.  If you are interested in looking into that, hit this button (Link to e-mail here).
The term of the lease is stipulated in the originating document, but most state that if there is a producing well on the lease, it is considered, “held by production”, and will continue until such time as it is plugged and abandoned.
Believe it or not, people have falsified documents before in order to obtain a financial gain.  It is best for all parties involved to utilize the system in place so no one unfairly takes advantage of someone else.
The sunrises over the Missouri River in Great Falls, Montana.

NorthWestern Energy and the Missouri-Madison River Fund Trust announce funding for 2025 public recreation improvement projects

Date: Feb 13, 2025

TYPE: News

Butte, Mont. – Feb. 13, 2025 – NorthWestern Energy and the Missouri-Madison River Fund Trust awarded funding for six public recreation improvement projects on the Missouri and Madison rivers. The grant and matching funds will supplement public agency and partner contributions for projects to be implemented in 2025.

A combination of $22,426 from NorthWestern Energy and $410,896 from the Missouri-Madison River Fund will be combined with $773,439 from agency and project partners to complete projects totaling more than $1.2 million. NorthWestern Energy will supplement these funds by contributing an additional $569,487 to state, federal, and local agencies for operation and maintenance efforts at many existing recreation sites in 2025.

“These programs help recreation managers improve and maintain services to ensure visitors have positive experiences while recreating and protect our state’s resources,” said NorthWestern Energy Hydropower License Compliance Manager Andy Welch. “Every year there are roughly one million visits to public recreation sites along the Madison and Missouri rivers in Montana. The Missouri-Madison River Fund Trust is a unique public-private partnership that has supported this use by funding public recreation projects for two decades.”

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project 2188 hydroelectric license issued in 2000 for the hydro generation facilities on the Missouri and Madison rivers that NorthWestern Energy owns and operates today requires public recreation sites and facilities. The Missouri-Madison River Fund Trust ensures public recreation opportunities along the river corridors will remain available long into the future.

2025 projects funded by the River Fund grant program include:

Great Falls region

  • 700 linear feet of deteriorated asphalt on the River’s Edge Trail near Weissman Bridge will be replaced with five-inch-thick concrete.
  • Phase 1 of an expansion of the Canoe Campground in Fort Benton will get underway, adding 14 new RV sites to accommodate large motorcoaches.
  • Funds were provided to the Missouri River Open Lands Preservation Group to help purchase an easement to retain public access and open space on a Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation parcel on the south end of Great Falls.

Hauser and Holter Lakes

  • The Bureau of Land Management will upgrade the drinking water delivery systems at White Sandy, Holter Lake, and Log Gulch campgrounds. This project dovetails with drinking water improvements at Devil’s Elbow Campground and Clark’s Bay Day Use Site, which was supported by the grant program in 2023 and 2024.
  • The Helena Ranger District of the U.S. Forest Service will update and add interpretive signage at the Hauser Dam and Beaver Creek access sites.

Ennis region

  • The Bureau of Land Management will install bear-proof trash containers and purchase a towable dumpster to service them for sites under BLM management on the Madison River and Ennis Lake.

“Taking care of recreation sites in the Missouri-Madison Corridor, especially those constructed during relicensing of the Missouri-Madison Hydroelectric Project in the 1990s, is the purpose for which the River Fund was established, and it’s working exactly as it was intended,” said Welch.

Since 2007, 175 projects have received $6.8 million in funding from the River Fund Trust, about $350,000 per year. NorthWestern Energy contributed another $1.8 million in matching funds.

River Fund grants and NorthWestern Energy matching funds have leveraged public agency and partner funding to provide $14.1 million in public recreation improvements in the Missouri-Madison Corridor since 2007.

The Missouri-Madison River Fund trust for public recreation, currently valued at $7.1 million, was created through the collaborative efforts of NorthWestern Energy; Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks; U.S. Forest Service; U.S. Bureau of Land Management; Madison, Gallatin, Broadwater, Lewis & Clark, Cascade and Chouteau counties; and numerous other public and private partners.  This year marks the 19th year in which earnings from the trust have been awarded to recreation improvement projects through the River Fund grant program.

Created as a public-private partnership to meet public recreation needs along the Madison and Missouri rivers, the River Fund supports ongoing efforts to protect and enhance recreation from Hebgen Reservoir downstream to Fort Benton, excluding the Broadwater and Canyon Ferry hydroelectric plants and the river segment between them. River Fund awards for qualifying projects will continue on an annual basis, with grants awarded each December. 

A list of projects can be found in the River Fund segment of the Clean Energy - Hydropower section of NorthWestern Energy’s website at, as well as information about NorthWestern Energy and its hydroelectric facilities.

Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn and Instagram: @NorthWesternEnergy

NorthWestern Energy - Delivering a Bright Future

NorthWestern Energy provides essential energy infrastructure and valuable services that enrich lives and empower communities while serving as long-term partners to our customers and communities. We work to deliver safe, reliable, and innovative energy solutions that create value for customers, communities, employees, and investors. We do this by providing low-cost and reliable service performed by highly adaptable and skilled employees. We provide electricity and / or natural gas to approximately 775,300 customers in Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Yellowstone National Park. Our operations in Montana and Yellowstone National Park are conducted through our subsidiary, NW Corp, and our operations in South Dakota and Nebraska are conducted through our subsidiary, NWE Public Service. We have provided service in South Dakota and Nebraska since 1923 and in Montana since 2002.

Media Contacts:

Jo Dee Black


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  • Track your electric and natural gas use
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