Harnessing the Power of Wind
Carbon-free wind generation makes up an important piece of our energy portfolio.
Wind Generation
Wind is a large portion of our electric portfolio

Wind is a large portion of our electric portfolio
- In 2021, wind resources made up 27% of our total generation portfolio – second to hydro (28%).
Montana Wind Generation

Montana Wind Generation
We own Spion Kop, a 40-megawatt wind turbine facility northeast of Great Falls, and the 11-megawatt Two Dot Wind in central Montana. We contract for additional wind energy, and have more requests every year to add wind to our system.
South Dakota Wind Generation

South Dakota Wind Generation
In 2021, 44% of our electric generation for South Dakota came from wind energy.
Where Does Your Energy Come From?
56% of our electric generation portfolio comes from carbon-free resources. Over the last decade, we have reduced the carbon intensity of our Montana generation portfolio by more than 50%.