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NorthWestern Reports Second Quarter 2021 Financial Results
Date:Jul 27, 2021
NorthWestern Energy reports GAAP diluted earnings per share of $0.72 for the quarter, narrows 2021
earnings guidance, and announces a $0.62 per share quarterly dividend payable September 30,
Drought conditions mean lower water levels at Hebgen Reservoir required to protect Madison River fisheries
Date:Jul 26, 2021
Current drought conditions, the result of low snowpack, low spring precipitation and recent hot, dry weather are resulting in lower water levels at Hebgen reservoir to protect fisheries on the lower Madison River.
NorthWestern Energy implements fire season precautions
Date:Jul 23, 2021
Patrolling before lines are reenergized is among the fire-season precautions employed by NorthWestern Energy. Project and maintenance work generally begins and finishes earlier in the day to minimize the time crews are in the field during the hottest hours when fire risk increases. NorthWestern Energy works closely with local agencies to determine those field hours.
NorthWestern Energy’s formal response team is prepared to work with wildfire management if fires are a threat to the electric or gas system, which could disrupt critical energy service.
NorthWestern Energy offers energy savings tips as forecast calls for hot, dry weather
Date:Jul 22, 2021
The weather forecast for NorthWestern Energy’s service area in South Dakota and Nebraska calls for hot temperatures with little chance of rain through the end of July and the first days of August. NorthWestern Energy reminds customers that there are actions they can take to conserve energy that will help save money on energy bills.
NorthWestern Energy adds contract for 80 megawatts of solar generation for Montana
Date:Jul 19, 2021
NorthWestern Energy has entered a power purchase agreement with Apex Solar LLC. The contract is for 80 megawatts of generation from a solar facility Apex Solar is developing in Beaverhead County near Dillon, Montana.
NorthWestern Energy joins the Western Energy Imbalance Market
Date:Jun 25, 2021
NorthWestern Energy is now participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Market, operated by California Independent System Operator. The Western EIM is a real-time, within-hour energy market serving 10 states.
Osprey population increasing in Montana, but the wildlife management success story includes some conflict
Date:Jun 16, 2021
The recovery of the osprey population, a raptor that returns from the south each spring to the western 2/3s of Montana, is a success story that began almost 50 years ago when a widely used pesticide, DDT, was banned. Younger osprey in search of nesting sites to breed and hatch eggs will build nests on power poles, causing outages and putting the birds at risk of electrocution.
50/50 Women on Boards™ recognizes NorthWestern Energy as a “3+” company with three or more women directors
Date:Jun 4, 2021
50/50 Women on Boards™, the leading global education and advocacy campaign driving the movement toward gender balance and diversity on corporate boards, commends NorthWestern Energy as a “3+” company, for having three or more women on its corporate board of directors.
NorthWestern Energy natural gas rates in Nebraska increasing after February price spike Customers concerned about their natural gas bills are asked to contact the energy company
Date:May 28, 2021
The extreme weather that gripped the Midwest the week of Feb.15 resulted in temperatures that were far below normal. Record energy demand throughout the Midwest during this time caused natural gas prices to spike.
NorthWestern Energy applies to increase propane rates in Townsend, Montana
Date:May 25, 2021
NorthWestern Energy filed a request with the Montana Public Service Commission to adjust propane supply rates for its Townsend, Montana, propane service.
NorthWestern Energy celebrates success of O’Dell Creek restoration project with original artwork by Montana artist Monte Dolack
Date:May 11, 2021
The outstanding success of the Ennis-area O’Dell Creek Restoration Project, which began 17 years ago, is recognized with a NorthWestern Energy-commissioned painting by renowned Montana artist Monte Dolack.
NorthWestern to Host First Quarter 2021 Financial Results Webinar and Notice of Virtual Annual Stockholders Meeting
Date:May 5, 2021
Eastern Daylight Time to review its financial results for the quarter ending March 31, 2021. The Company also plans to issue a news release detailing its first quarter financial results the evening of April 21, 2021, after stock market close.
NorthWestern Energy asks public to report osprey building nests on power lines
Date:Apr 30, 2021
Osprey nests can cause power outages and even fires, and their proximity to energized equipment puts the birds at risk of electrocution. NorthWestern Energy has installed hundreds of platforms to maintain service reliability and to provide a safe place for ospreys to raise their offspring.
NorthWestern Energy partners with the city of Red Lodge to plant new trees on city streets
Date:Apr 29, 2021
Since the program launched in 2013, more than 100 trees have been planted. This year NorthWestern Energy stepped up to offer funds to pay for 75% of the cost of each tree, which reduces the cost the property owner pays to $50.
NorthWestern Reports First Quarter 2021 Financial Results
Date:Apr 21, 2021
NorthWestern Energy reports GAAP diluted earnings per share of $1.24 for the quarter, affirms 2021 earnings
guidance and announces a $0.62 per share quarterly dividend payable June 30, 2021
NorthWestern Energy enters contracts for 325 megawatts of dispatchable capacity resources to serve Montana customers
Date:Apr 20, 2021
This will reduce NorthWestern Energy’s capacity deficit, decrease risk associated with market volatility and potential lack of availability, and provide increased reliability for our Montana customers.
NorthWestern Energy’s Montana Street substation upgrade will enhance service reliability and improve aesthetics to main gateway to uptown Butte
Date:Mar 18, 2021
NorthWestern Energy is upgrading the Montana Street substation located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Montana and George streets, north of Interstate 90. The upgrade will enhance reliability for NorthWestern Energy’s 6,000 electric customers served by the substation, and the upgrades are planned to be complete by the end of this October.