Investments in our Energy Future

We are investing in our systems to meet our responsibility to provide reliable energy service at the most affordable rates possible, sustainably, for our customers.

Investments in Montana's Energy Future

Billings Rimrock Substation Rebuild

The Rimrock Substation upgrade is a $34 million project that helped increase capacity to provide service for increased energy demand in the Billings area.

Missoula City Substation Rebuild

This rebuild provides improved reliability and increased capacity necessary to serve the growing areas of downtown and the university district into the future.

Montana LED lighting

We replaced 43,000 NorthWestern Energy-owned streetlights in Montana with LED lights. LEDs use 50% less electricity than traditional high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights.

Powering South Dakota's Future

Chamberlain Switchyard Upgrade

NorthWestern Energy’s $7.8 million Chamberlain switchyard upgrade increased service reliability for customers in the Chamberlain area.

Bob Glanzer Generating Station

The 58-megawatt Bob Glanzer Generating Station in Huron, South Dakota, provides on‑demand resources to support the variability of wind and solar projects coming onto our system and help serve our customers during extended periods of peak demand.